Mastering Brushes in Jetpack Compose: Enhance Your App’s UI

Gorkem KARA
6 min readAug 18, 2024


showcasing brush techniques for creating dynamic UI designs in Android

Introduction to Brushes in Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose is a cutting-edge toolkit that allows developers to create responsive and dynamic user interfaces (UI) for Android applications. Among its many features, brushes stand out as a powerful tool to apply colors to various UI elements. By understanding how to use these brushes effectively, you can significantly improve the visual appeal of your app. Let’s explore the different types of brushes available in Jetpack Compose and how they can transform your app’s design.

Table of Contents

Exploring Different Brush Types

Jetpack Compose offers a variety of brush types, each designed for specific use cases. Choosing the right brush can make a significant difference in how your UI elements look and feel.

SolidColor Brush

The SolidColor brush fills an area with a single, solid color. It’s a straightforward tool for basic color needs and is perfect for buttons, backgrounds, or any static graphic element.


modifier = Modifier
.background(brush = SolidColor(Color.Green))

This code snippet creates a 100dp box filled with a solid green color.

LinearGradient Brush

The LinearGradient brush allows for a smooth transition between two or more colors along a straight line. It is useful for backgrounds, gradient effects, or to highlight specific elements in your UI. To further explore how you can enhance your UI, you might want to check out Jetpack Compose Advanced Techniques.

modifier = Modifier
brush = Brush.linearGradient(
colors = listOf(Color.Red, Color.Yellow, Color.Blue),
start = Offset(0f, 0f),
end = Offset(150f, 150f)
LinearGradient Brush
LinearGradient Brush

This example demonstrates how to create a box with a gradient transitioning from red to blue. If you’re interested in learning more about UI design, this guide on modern Android design can provide additional insights. Furthermore, the material design principles are also valuable resources for understanding how to apply effective design practices in your apps.

RadialGradient Brush

The RadialGradient brush creates a color transition that radiates outward from a central point. It’s ideal for drawing attention to specific UI components or creating depth in your design.


modifier = Modifier
brush = Brush.radialGradient(
colors = listOf(Color.Magenta, Color.Transparent),
radius = 100f

This code creates a radial gradient that starts with magenta and fades to transparent.

SweepGradient Brush

The SweepGradient brush produces a circular transition of colors, often used to simulate rotation. Use it for elements like clocks, progress indicators, or any UI component where circular motion is implied.


modifier = Modifier
brush = Brush.sweepGradient(
colors = listOf(Color.Cyan, Color.Magenta, Color.Yellow)

This example shows how to create a circular gradient effect, blending multiple colors in a sweep.


The ImageBrush uses an image as a brush, allowing you to fill areas with a pattern or picture. This brush is ideal for creating custom backgrounds, textures, or filling elements with specific visual content.


val imageBitmap = ImageBitmap.imageResource(id = R.drawable.my_image)
modifier = Modifier
brush = Brush.imageBrush(imageBitmap)

Here, a 300dp box is filled with an image, creating a visually unique effect.

Impact of Brushes on Application Design

Brushes in Jetpack Compose are not just tools for adding color; they are integral to creating a visually appealing UI. When used thoughtfully, they can enhance the overall user experience. For instance, a LinearGradient brush can give depth to a button, while a RadialGradient brush can focus attention on a specific UI element. Moreover, the strategic use of brushes ensures that your app stands out from the competition.

Enhancing User Experience with Brushes

Incorporating brushes into your design allows for a more engaging and aesthetically pleasing user experience. A well-chosen brush can guide users’ attention, highlight important information, and create a cohesive visual theme throughout your app.

Differentiating Your App with Creative Brush Use

Using brushes creatively can differentiate your app in a crowded marketplace. Whether it’s a subtle gradient that adds depth to a button or a bold image brush that defines your app’s unique style, the right brush can set your app apart.

Advanced Brush Techniques

If you want to take your designs to the next level, consider using brushes in more creative and complex ways. Below are some advanced techniques to explore.

Layering Multiple Gradients

Layering different gradient brushes can create a multidimensional look that adds depth and interest to your UI. This technique allows you to combine the effects of different brushes to achieve a more sophisticated visual outcome.


modifier = Modifier
brush = Brush.linearGradient(
colors = listOf(Color.Red, Color.Blue)
brush = Brush.radialGradient(
colors = listOf(Color.Transparent, Color.Yellow),
radius = 200f

This code layers a linear and a radial gradient to create a unique visual effect.

Animating Brushes

Adding animation to your brushes can make your UI more dynamic and engaging, capturing users’ attention. Animated brushes can be used to create effects that respond to user interaction, adding a layer of interactivity to your design.


val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition()
val animatedColor by infiniteTransition.animateColor(
initialValue = Color.Red,
targetValue = Color.Blue,
animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
animation = tween(durationMillis = 3000),
repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse
), label = ""

modifier = Modifier
.background(brush = SolidColor(animatedColor))

This example animates a color transition, making the box’s color shift continuously from red to blue.

Creating Custom Brushes

Jetpack Compose not only offers a variety of built-in brushes but also allows you to create custom ones. This flexibility enables you to tailor your UI to fit your exact needs.

How to Create a Custom Brush

Custom brushes are created using the ShaderBrush class, which lets you define a shader to fill areas with unique patterns. This approach allows you to go beyond the standard brushes and create highly customized effects for your app.


val customBrush = object : ShaderBrush() {
override fun createShader(size: Size): Shader {
return LinearGradientShader(
colors = listOf(Color.Cyan, Color.Magenta, Color.Yellow),
from = Offset.Zero,
to = Offset(size.width, size.height)
modifier = Modifier
.background(brush = customBrush)

This example demonstrates how to create a custom linear gradient shader and apply it to a UI element.


Mastering brushes in Jetpack Compose is essential for any developer looking to create visually stunning and engaging applications. From basic SolidColor brushes to advanced techniques like custom shaders and animations, the right use of brushes can make your UI not only look better but also feel more intuitive and interactive. Start experimenting with these tools in your next project to see the difference they can make.

